This statement is for Bestway Retail Limited (“Bestway Retail”) pursuant to section 54(6) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the “Act”) and represents the statement for the financial year ending on 30th June 2018.
Bestway Retail is part of the Bestway Group of companies with the ultimate parent company being Bestway Group Limited. Bestway Retail fully endorses the aims of the Act and takes a zero tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking in their supply chains and across their business. Bestway Retail is committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking within its own business and in its transactions with other businesses.
Bestway Retail is the UK’s largest franchised off licence and convenience chain with more than 700 retail stores primarily operated by over 300 franchisees and predominantly trading under the fascias of Bargain Booze, Bargain Booze Select Convenience, Select Convenience; Wine Rack and Central Convenience Stores.
Bestway Retail purchases products that are sourced from around the world. It is committed to acting ethically and expect all of their suppliers to make the same commitment. The company will address any failures by its suppliers to meet its standards on a case by case basis and ultimately may lead to Bestway Retail ceasing to trade with any such supplier.
Bestway Retail positively encourages employees to report any unlawful activity and/or any activity which may be in breach of policies and procedures through the Whistleblowing Policy. This includes any circumstances which may give rise to an enhanced risk of slavery of human trafficking.
The Board of Directors of Bestway Retail have ultimate responsibility for the implementation of policies and procedures, including those related to ethical trading and modern slavery.
This statement has been considered and approved by Bestway Retail’s Board of Directors on behalf of Bestway Retail, who will review and update it annually.
For and on behalf of Bestway Retail Limited